Electricity & Power Plants

AI EHS Safety Solutions for Electricity & Power Plants.

Boost power plant safety through computer vision technology, focusing on hazard detection, PPE monitoring, intrusion alert, emergency support, automated checks, behavior, and safety data analysis. This approach sharpens hazard identification and strengthens safety practices, enhancing the overall safety landscape.

Clients & Partners
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AI Use Cases

How AI is tackling safety hazards in the Electricity & Power industry

Explore how AI is transforming safety in the Electricity & Power industry through predictive analytics and real-time hazard monitoring. AI is making workplaces safer and operations more efficient by preemptively identifying risks and enhancing maintenance protocols. Discover AI's impact on ensuring worker safety and operational reliability in the energy sector.


Machine Area Controls

Surveily identifies risky behaviors by monitoring when workers enter or interact with machinery in restricted areas to prevent severe incidents.


Hard Hats & Bump Caps

Automatically detect and report when a worker isn't wearing a hard hat in required areas, enabling quick corrective action to minimize head injury risks and promote a safer workspace.


Pedestrian Way Violation

Surveily tracks pedestrian compliance with designated walkways to prevent incidents, offering insights to enhance safety for foot traffic.


Stopping Area

Surveily identifies vehicles not adhering to mandatory stops, enforcing safety protocols and preventing accidents through compliance with traffic control measures.


Reflective / High-Vis Vest

Receive alerts when a worker without a high-visibility vest is detected in hazardous areas, using this to highlight the importance of visibility and reinforce safety protocols.


Incorrect Parking

Surveily monitors vehicles parked in unauthorized areas, crucial for maintaining order and safety by preventing incidents.

Case Study

How to reduce incidents by 75% in 16 weeks?

Discover how Surveily AI enhanced site visibility and helped Orlen, a prominent gas and oil company, decrease incidents by 75% within the first 16 weeks of implementation!

Contact us!

Have questions on AI safety in EHS?

Our experts are ready to guide you on how Surveily, backed by hard data, empowers proactive safety decisions. Contact us to explore tailored solutions for your safety needs - let’s make your workplace safer together!