Risk Category

24/7 Vehicle Near Miss Detection

Achieve complete oversight of hazardous vehicle activities within your organization, allowing you to prevent accidents before they happen.

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Vehicle Control

Vehicle Control: Enhancing Safety and Compliance

Our Vehicle Control suite is designed to significantly enhance the safety and operational compliance of vehicle movements within your organization. This comprehensive feature group focuses on the critical aspects of vehicle interaction, speed regulation, operational zoning, compliance with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements, and adherence to restricted areas.


Vehicle Operation Zones

Surveily ensures vehicles stay within designated operation zones through comprehensive monitoring. Prevent unauthorized movements and reduce accident risks in key areas.


Vehicle Restricted Area

Surveily instantly alerts you to vehicles in restricted zones, providing immediate incident awareness.


Speed Limit Detection

Surveily offers real-time vehicle speed monitoring, enabling quick identification of violations. This insight aids in swiftly developing proactive measures for speed limit enforcement, boosting safety.


Wrong Direction

Surveily detects vehicles moving in the wrong direction, clearly highlighting these risky actions for proactive response by organizations.


Stopping Area

Surveily identifies vehicles not adhering to mandatory stops, enforcing safety protocols and preventing accidents through compliance with traffic control measures.


License Plate Recognition

Surveily's advanced license plate recognition technology accurately identifies vehicles for security, traffic monitoring, and access control, automating vehicle tracking and management.


Incorrect Parking

Surveily monitors vehicles parked in unauthorized areas, crucial for maintaining order and safety by preventing incidents.


Worker & Vehicle Near Miss

Surveily captures and reports near-miss events between workers and vehicles, serving as an early warning for potential workplace injuries.

Case Study

How to reduce incidents by 75% in 16 weeks?

Discover how Surveily AI enhanced site visibility and helped Orlen, a prominent gas and oil company, decrease incidents by 75% within the first 16 weeks of implementation!

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Have questions on AI safety in EHS?

Our experts are ready to guide you on how Surveily, backed by hard data, empowers proactive safety decisions. Contact us to explore tailored solutions for your safety needs - let’s make your workplace safer together!