Risk Category

24/7 Unsafe Behaviour Detection

Obtain complete insight into hazardous actions within your organization, allowing you to preemptively stop accidents before they worsen.

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Behavioural Safety

Risky Behavior Hazard Categories

Enhance safety with full visibility into your organization's unsafe behaviors, empowering you to prevent accidents before they develop.



Surveily employs AI to detect running in indoor or confined spaces, behavior that raises the risk of accidents, offering insights for continuous safety training.


Over & Going Under

Surveily detects hazardous actions near conveyor belts, alerting to prevent injuries and analyzing compliance to proactively address safety violations.


Handrail / Barnnister Usage

Surveily identifies when handrails are not used, supporting safety training to promote safer stairway use and prevent incidents.


Grouping Of Workers

Surveily alerts on worker clustering in restricted areas, reducing accident risks by monitoring and reporting such gatherings to prevent incidents.


Pedestrian Way Violation

Surveily tracks pedestrian compliance with designated walkways to prevent incidents, offering insights to enhance safety for foot traffic.


Worker Down

Surveily's instant alert system quickly reports workers down, cutting response time for emergencies and ensuring fast intervention for unmatched immediate response.

Case Study

How to reduce incidents by 75% in 16 weeks?

Discover how Surveily AI enhanced site visibility and helped Orlen, a prominent gas and oil company, decrease incidents by 75% within the first 16 weeks of implementation!

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Have questions on AI safety in EHS?

Our experts are ready to guide you on how Surveily, backed by hard data, empowers proactive safety decisions. Contact us to explore tailored solutions for your safety needs - let’s make your workplace safer together!